A construction worker leaning on the bars

This is an exhibit entry which I related to a showbiz personality who blamed the poor for being poor because “they are lazy and slowpokes.” I wanted to contradict this statement and show how privilege makes people say these kinds of things through this photograph. For a long time, construction workers in the Philippines has been looked down by people and their hard works don’t pay off. That’s why I want us to constantly check our privilege before speaking out things.

Check your privilege. It’s so easy for us to say that these people are poor because they’re not doing anything with their lives for the reason that we’re not on their place. Check your privilege. These people are victims of the unjust capitalist society. No matter how hard they work, how long they extend their work hours, these will not compensate their needs because there exists a problematic system. These people are not being given enough and appropriate opportunities and it isn’t their fault. Check your privilege and stand up with workers.

San Pablo City, Philippines

by Zyrene Villanueva

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