Profile picture of Adhi hendrana Jayawardhana
Join the Street Photography Contest

About me

I am a lover of landscape, culture, human interest, social photography who works for one of the institutions engaged in Indonesian culture


Cerita anak2 desa di musim penghujan
Cerita anak2 desa di musim penghujan
Sooko, Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia
Aktivitas penjual buah
Aktivitas penjual buah
Mojokerto, Mergelo, Mojokerto City, East Java, Indonesia
Tukang sol sepatu
Tukang sol sepatu
Mojokerto, Mergelo, Mojokerto City, East Java, Indonesia
Baris berbaaris
Baris berbaaris
Bangsal, Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia
Melihat dibalik pagar besi
Melihat dibalik pagar besi
Trowulan, Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia
colorful village children
colorful village children
Malang, Malang City, East Java, Indonesia
between the world and the hereafter
between the world and the hereafter
Kepanjen, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
cockfighting player
cockfighting player
Gedek, Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia
Balap karung
Balap karung
Trowulan, Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia

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