Profile picture of Çisem Soylu
Join the Street Photography Contest

About me

I am an observer of life and people. I love reading people like stories that aren’t told by words; a curve on the corner of a mouth upon a thought, a gesture of the hand when telling a story or the posture of a musician at the crescendo of a song. Or the looks… Oh the looks! I have been taking pictures for three years now but even before that I have always been a keen appreciator of art in many different ways, which have great impact on my photography. Graduated from architecture, proceeding an academical career, finding depth in music, deeper understanding of human in literature and balance in watercoloring, I am in touch with many leves of my soul through art. Although i have been doing all these with passion, there is one thing that i do with all that I have. And it is photography. The reason is both quite simple and most complicated at the same time, just like my own nature. So why do I take pictures? Because I love it. Because for me, it is the best and most enjoyable way to exist. Because to take a picture, you have to be there and be in the moment with everything you have, to appreciate what you admire. To get fascinated by everything that is made by, said by, lived by and destroyed by human. It is an act that transcends words and materiality by all means. Your core expands to diffuse into your surroundings and visa versa. Photography is the very thing that is born from the interface of this harmony. And tell you what? It is delightful.
Under the same sky
Under the same sky
Lyon, France
The sleeper
The sleeper
İstanbul, Turkey
The retired
The retired
İstanbul, Turkey
Stillest it gets
Stillest it gets
İstanbul, Turkey
The fisherman
The fisherman
Marseille, France
The ghost
The ghost
Berlin, Germany
The kissers
The kissers
Berlin, Germany
The stairs
The stairs
İstanbul, Turkey

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