Profile picture of Fernando De sayve
Join the Street Photography Contest

About me

Hi, i'm Fernando a mexican guy living un Barcelona, my job is in the kitchen, but in my freetime i like to go and take photos  around all the city. I take in BnW because you can see more details, expresions and  is more easy to think in the composition. Thanks for this oportunity  


De paseo
De paseo
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Restaurante oriental
Restaurante oriental
Barcelona, Spain
tapa tapa
tapa tapa
Barcelona, Spain
Sigue la línea
Sigue la línea
Barcelona, Spain
Pensando en farolas
Pensando en farolas
Barcelona, Spain
Te gusta?
Te gusta?
Barcelona, Spain
Qué hora es ?
Qué hora es ?
Barcelona, Spain

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