About me
I am an ophthalmologist and I've had a hobby for photography for many years. The passion was born when I was a kid using my father's old Agfa. I went from the fun of the darkroom in black and white, to immortalising the growth of my children, to scientific photography applied to the profession. After a pause during the transition to digital, I re-approached the world of travel photography and then authorial and projectual ones. I attended various courses at Verona Fotografia, some workshops (Gus Powell, Eolo Perfido, Monika Bulaj) and I also had other experiences and meetings which I found very useful.
I am currently a member of the Verona OFF Association and I participated in the joint project "
Per la Tangente" exhibited at the University of Verona in October 2019. https://veronaoff.com
My project "As if" was selected and exhibited in the Off section of Grenze Arsenali Fotografici 2020.
I was selected in the single photo category for Closer 2020, organized by Witness Journal and QR Photogallery.
Lastly, I also organise various exhibitions of the project “Casa di Salute e di... Arte” (House of Health and... Art) at the premises of the medical office Casa di Salute Verona. https://www.facebook.com/casadisaluteediarte
Scheveningen, Olanda
football forever
Bari vecchia
Boys in Pilkhana
Howrah, West Bengal, India
streets of India
Rajasthan, India
American visions
Miami Beach, FL, USA
American visions 2
Chicago, IL, USA
memories of Lima
Lima, Peru
a new fisherman
Galle, Sri Lanka