About me
Born in 1976 in Poznan, Poland. Father of two young girls, traveler, triathlete and Japan-culture passionate working in the oncology department. Very musical beast with the tendencies to sing out loud in public. Notorious joker.
When not somewhere in the distant destinations together with his family, most of the time he may be seen rambling around the streets in his home town or on the way to or from the workplace. The crowdier the better.
His adventure started with an old, sturdy Russian analog camera passed to him by his father in a primary school. After a long break, the passion re-emerged in a college as a classical wet dark-room and then fully bloomed yet in the digital era.
Nowadays he usually switches between street photography and landscapes but is more and more attracted to the former, leaving a "nice postcard views" behind. When on the street he is looking mainly for a light, composition, geometry and colors, trying to weave some pure human emotions in between. His shooting style depends on the mood and stretches from a confident fast walking up the human stream with the flash, almost colliding with people and shooting close to just patiently looking for colors or patterns requiring more previsualization and very often waiting lots of time for all the puzzles to combine together. He also quite often happens to shoot purely by the instinct as a response to the sudden occurrence. Candid moments it is.
As a photographer, he is continuously hungry for new techniques and ways of expressing his perception of the world around. Greatly appreciates all the visual nuances. He not only thinks in color, he is color.