Profile picture of Marina Krstic
Join the Street Photography Contest

About me

Marina Krstic is born in Kumanovo, Macedonia in 1982. After finishing at the Faculty of Philosophy, group of Classical studies, on the prestigious University of St. Cyril’s and Methodius in Skope in 2007, she starts working as a teacher in elementary school in 2009 in her home town, where she still works teaching Classical culture in European civilizations to six graders. She enrolled into photo school in Kumanovo in 2013. The next year, she and twenty other photography lovers became founders of new photo club, named Photo Club Kumanovo. Since then she has been an active member there, and attends multiple international salons and exhibitions, where she has received numerous prizes and awards. She is also one of the organizers of Photo Festival Malinski. In 2017 she was elected as photo club President, and also she became the best photographer in Kumanovo. The last couple of years she teaches photography on multi ethnic groups, which are held in English language, ans organizes photo competitions and exhibitions between students.


Kumanovo, North Macedonia
My playground
My playground
Kumanovo, North Macedonia
Popcorn granny
Popcorn granny
Kumanovo, North Macedonia

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