Profile picture of Nathan Knaack
Join the Street Photography Contest

About me

Born and raised in Halle in Germany. I am currently a student and I got into photography two and a half years ago. I started out just photographing things that caught my interest. This year however I got more and more interested in Street photography. And I still have quite some way to go. For one it's still super unpleasant to take pictures of strangers especially when they look directly at you and getting close to them with the intent of taking a picture is even worse. But I try to overcome that feeling baby step by baby step. Besides digital I also shoot film. I got into film a year ago and stuck with it since.


Fresh Bread
Fresh Bread
Halle (Saale), Germany
Halle (Saale), Germany
Behind the steam
Behind the steam
Halle (Saale), Germany

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