Agnieszka Sosnowska: För

Agnieszka Sosnowska’s first monograph, För, offers a heartfelt glimpse into the artist’s life and community in a secluded part of East Iceland. Born in Poland and raised in Boston, Sosnowska grew up navigating between two distinct cultures, never feeling entirely Polish or American.
For a long time, Agnieszka Sosnowska believed that photographs merely showed viewers what the world looked like. It wasn’t until her college years that she discovered a photograph could tell a story. While studying photography at Massachusetts College of Art, she began a series of self-portraits that now span 25 years, starting at the age of 18. These self-portraits helped her better understand herself and her aspirations. She continues to create these self-portraits, now in a new setting: in 2005, she married an Icelander and moved to a farm in eastern Iceland.
In Iceland, the landscape and weather are constantly changing. Age and decay create a surreal world of rituals that may seem unappealing or grotesque. The rituals of farming and hunting are slow, deliberate, and labor-intensive. Activities like fishing, hunting, planting, and gathering are considered pastimes for many in the developed world. The pace of farming is slow, dictated by nature, economy, and sheer will. To Sosnowska, farming is a physical manifestation of human determination. A farmer’s efforts are uncertain; such a life choice seems noble. The effects of a cross-cultural life inspire the characters she creates. In Iceland—a culture steeped in ancient sagas and myths of elves living inside rocks—she hears many voices that come to life. Her adult experiences have shaped her sensibility, allowing her to expose the hidden world of stories nurtured within her mind. As a woman, she interprets these cultural stories in a primal and sensual way, embodying what is sometimes ordinary, sometimes purely feminine, and sometimes supernatural, seeking to make private images public.
She uses a 4×5 view camera to create her images. From beneath her dark cloth, she composes the edges of a story that reveals her inclusion in a place. Her photographs are the language that connects her to truths deep within herself. In that split second when the lens shutter clicks, fantasy and reality become one.

Set against the backdrop of the harsh yet beautiful Nordic landscape, För is a book filled with gratitude and love, depicting a journey of finding home and a chosen family that endures through the seasons of life.

A portrait of Agnieszka Sosnowska

About the Author

Agnieszka Sosnowska was born in Warsaw, Poland and was raised in Boston, Massachusetts. She earned a BFA from Massachusetts College of Art and a MFA from Boston University. She is currently an elementary school teacher. She lives on a farm in East Iceland. She is recognised for her self portraits that span 30 years. Currently she is working on a series that embodies her life as an immigrant in Iceland. She uses the camera to
take inspiration from a land that is otherworldly.Sosnowska has been the recipient of a number of grants, including a Fulbright Scholars Fellowship to Poland and an American Scandinavian Fellowship to Ice-land. She was awarded the Hjálmar R. Bárðarson Photography Grant awarded by the National Museum of Iceland. Her series was awarded the Director’s Choice by the Center awards in 2017 and she has been in the Top 50 of Critical Mass on 3 occasions. Her work has been exhibited in the National Museum of Iceland and The Reykjavik Museum of Photography. She is represented exclusively by Vision Neil Folberg Gallery in Jerusalem.

Hardcover: 88 pages
Publisher: Trespasser (2024)
Language: English
Size: 11.02 x 13.34 inches

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