Alec Soth: Advice for Young Artists

Between 2022 and 2024, Alec Soth visited twenty-five undergraduate art programs across the United States. The work he produced during these visits is compiled in *Advice for Young Artists*. Despite its title, which might suggest guidance or wisdom, Soth’s work instead offers a sharp and unresolved contemplation on the process of creating art at various stages of life, and the interplay between photography, time, and aging. The images in this collection range from structured compositions reminiscent of a classroom setting to more chaotic expressions of personal creativity. The series features ambiguous scenes, found objects, and poetic portraits, interwoven with enigmatic quotes and incomplete ideas hastily written on Post-it notes. Soth himself occasionally appears among the students, a somewhat uncertain figure of wisdom in their midst.
Inspired by Walker Evans’s later Polaroid work, this new collection marks a significant development in Soth’s artistic journey, two decades after the release of his first book. Echoing the theme of *Broken Manual*, it adopts an instructional format as a misleading facade for deeper introspection and provocation. This project is as much an exploration of the young artist’s experience as it is a confrontation with the looming reality of becoming an older one.

A portrait of Alec Soth

About the Author

Alec Soth (b. 1969) is a photographer born and based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has published over thirty books including Sleeping by the Mississippi (2004), NIAGARA (2006), Broken Manual (2010), Songbook (2015), I Know How Furiously Your Heart is Beating (2019), A Pound of Pictures (2022), and Advice for Young Artists (2024). Soth has had over fifty solo exhibitions including survey shows organized by Jeu de Paume in Paris (2008), the Walker Art Center in Minnesota (2010), Media Space in London (2015), and the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (2024). Soth has been the recipient of numerous fellowships and awards, including the Guggenheim Fellowship (2013). In 2008, Soth created Little Brown Mushroom, a multi-media enterprise focused on visual storytelling. Soth is represented by Sean Kelly in New York, Weinstein Hammons Gallery in Minneapolis, Fraenkel Gallery in San Francisco, Loock Galerie in Berlin, and is a member of Magnum Photos.

Hardcover: 72 pages
Publisher: MACK BOOKS (July 31, 2024)
Language: English
Size: 10.47 x 1.14 x 10.75 inches
Weight: 1.8 pounds
ISBN-10: 1915743761
ISBN-13: 978-1915743763

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