Fuji X Weekly App is a Lists Recipes for Over 100 FUJIFILM Film Simulations

For the last article of this 2020, we continue our journey into color in photography, as we saw a few days ago thanks to the FUJIFILM engineers’ interview.

Still in Fujifilm, and again in color simulations, today we see Ritchie Roesch’s work. This photographer created the beautiful blog Fuji X Weekly, which has long published many film simulation recipes, classified according to which they are compatible with FUJIFILM specific sensors.

The Fuji X Weekly app is a mobile library of those and other film simulation recipes that can be easily used in the field.
The app itself is free and immediately gives you access to an extensive list of recipes to try out.

The recipes are designed to be leveraged using the custom preset option found in most FUJIFILM cameras. While some cameras only allow for one custom preset at a time, some do allow for multiple. The app is designed to make it easier to find and save presets that you like and make it easier to adjust them in the field, which is especially helpful if your FUJIFILM camera severely limits the number of presets you can save at a time.

In fact, these jpeg settings allow you to get various looks straight out of the camera, many based on film stocks, such as Kodachrome, Portra, Tri-X, Superia, Vista, so it’s a great resource for FUJIFILM X street photographers!

As mentioned before, the app is free, but there is an option to pay $20/year to gain access to new recipes before they are eventually published for all Fuji X Weekly App users. There are currently seven recipes behind the paywall, and as those are released to the public new ones will take their place for paid users.
You can download the Fuji X Weekly App for iPhone here. Android App is in the works.

More info on Fuji X Weekly’s website.

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