Sao Paulo is proud of contrasts. I was fortunate enough to wander around this very unusual city. Sao Paulo, or Sao Paulo (Brazil) is the largest city not only in Brazil and the Americas (Mexico City and New York follow Sao Paulo), but and the entire Southern Hemisphere: the population of São Paulo is 11.3 million. Sao Paulo is considered Brazil’s most influential city on the world stage and the 14th most globalized city on the planet. The motto of São Paulo reflects its key role in the history of Brazil as the country’s economic locomotive: “Non ducor, duco”, which is translated from Latin as “I am not a leading, leading”.
Modern Sao Paulo is an interweaving of streets through which cars squeeze in chaos.
Brazilian São Paulo – the largest city in Latin America with presentable offices of financial, trading and banking corporations, neighborhoods of the poor – favelas are adjacent.