One of the most famous things in Egypt is the establishment of Elmowaled, which is an occasion for religious celebration of the day of the birth or death of a guardian of the righteous saints, and the purpose of these celebrations is to honor the owner and not to cry on him. Elsayed ElBadawi is Ahmed Ben Ali Ben Yahia, born (Fez in Morocco 596 Ah/1199 A.D./ Tanta 675 Ah/1276 A.D.), Imam Sufi Sunni Arab, and the third of the four poles of the state of sufis, and to him attributed the Bedouin method with the red flag, and has many titles, the most famous of which is the Sheikh of Arabia In the Islamic moulid , there are rings, in which the people gather and form a circle or several circles behind each other and are mediated by the sheikh of the way or the leader of the ring, and shake their bodies, in a semicircular movement, repeating the word ‘Allah’ or Madad collectively,

Tanta, Egypt