Panesh is a shoe-maker by profession. His wife works at a garments factory. He hardly gets time to relax during his working hours as he constantly needs to fight the odds of being a man with a lower income. Nokkhotra is their only son. Every day, after dropping his wife at her workplace, he brings his son along with him. In between his work, he drops him off at ‘Segunbagicha High School’ exactly at 10am. He then returns and continues his work until it is 3pm – time to pick Nokkhotra from school. Again he brings him to his work space. He also helps him with his school work with his class-4 education. Some days, Nokkhotra falls asleep in his father’s laps. In the evening, he takes his son to the local field and plays with him. At night, he feeds him early and puts him to sleep. With overtime work, around 10pm his wife returns home, so he also prepares dinner. And that is how the story continues of Panesh’s playing the role of a mother and a friend.

Dhaka, Bangladesh