About me
Hello, my name is Tamsil. I'm 20 years old. I was the Product Design student right now. And i love very much about photography. I learn to be expert on street, architecture, travel, and product photography. I'm so happy to be appear at the photograph community that may could be imperove my skill, opportunity and serve. Thanks very much...
Beautiful day in “Kota Tua” (old city) in Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia
City View in the “Kota Tua” Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia
Town View of Cibadak, Bandung, Indonesia
Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia
One of the Great Mosque is Bandung City
Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia
Cafe in the pier
Jakarta, Indonesia
Glowing neon building at night
Jakarta, Indonesia